Yellow saffron Tea has been a common drink for people the U.S. especially for those with an upset stomach as they obtain many health benefits with it and fixes that unexplainable stomach butterflies.
Yellow saffron tea is described by the name itself as it offers a yellow color once brewed. But reality is that it came from red-orange-colored saffron threads like the ones you found in the kitchen for cooking. Saffron is one of the top five most mentioned herbs, meaning it is more popular than just a kitchen herb as stated by Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E.
Saffron has been well-loved and treasured during the ancient times by diverse populations like the Egyptians, Romans and Greeks. They use it for folk medicine and a good food additive to make meals more pleasing in taste and smell.
Saffron is known to be one of the most expensive spices available on the market for its natural delicious taste and delicate aroma leaving tea drinkers wanting for more. But the main reason for its high price is the fact that it is difficult to find. Moreover, there are a number of yellow saffron tea health benefits making it more in demand than it already is.
In a study by researchers from the University of L’Aquila in Abruzzi, Italy mentioned in Livestrong, Saffron has the potential to slow down blindness as it protect vision cells, to fight against cancer because its flowers is rich in antioxidants, and lower the risk for heart disease with its flavonoids content. These are only some of the health benefits of drinking Yellow Saffron Tea observed by previous studies.
Health Benefits of Yellow Saffron Tea
According to an article published by SF Gate, the health benefits of saffron varies from helping ladies with premenstrual syndrome (PMS), “may” help treat alzheimer’s disease, enhance weight loss, and aid those suffering from depression.
Most unfamiliar with this type of tea may have heard some health benefits, but most still ask questions like – “Is saffron tea good for weight loss and PMS?”, “Does it really help treat Alzheimer’s?”, “Is it safe for pregnant women?”, and many more. Here are some conclusions generated from past studies that showed promising results:
As for PMS, a study in 2008 stated that women who take 30 milligrams of saffron per day experienced fewer PMS symptoms. They also noted that results would only be noticeable when the person has taken at least 20 cups of tea. But volunteers who participated felt positive towards the improvement of them experiencing PMS during their menstrual period.
A different study also noticed significant cognitive function improvement for those taking the same amount of saffron per day for 16 weeks as oppose to those who took placebo. This led researchers to conclude that yellow saffron tea is safe for Alzheimer’s disease patients, even in high amounts.
Shahin Akhondzadeh from Roozbeh Psychiatric Hospital in the Tehran University of Medical Science was mentioned in iFood.tv as he studied the spice and showed its effectiveness in decreasing depression among patients. He made patients drink saffron and observed that they are becoming more stable as oppose to those who didn’t take the tea.
And the most favorite benefit is that it could aid in weight loss because it is present in huge quantities of polyunsaturated oils that has been established to decrease cholesterol levels in the blood.
How to Make Yellow Saffron Tea
The easiest thing to do is directly purchase yellow saffron teabags from tea shops, or you can DIY by making tea from loose saffron threads. Experts advise that it is better to make your own saffron at home if you opt for the best quality because commercial saffron teabags usually does not contain as much saffron as expected. It can readily be taken as iced-cold tea, but it is highly suggested to use water at temperature of around 180 degrees Fahrenheit to fully release the aromatic and health compounds in the tea. Find out how to make saffron tea bags with milk to ease depression.
Watch this video from Youtube to see how you can make Yellow Saffron Tea at home:
The post What is Yellow Saffron Tea – Health Benefits, How to Make and Many More! appeared first on Saffron Tea.
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